Interfacing with MyCommerce

The Activation Server provides an interface called MyCommerce KeyGen for integration with the MyCommerce order processing system. MyCommerce (formerly Share-It), is one of the leader companies in providing ecommerce platforms for selling software online over the Internet. This enables you to automate the whole process of selling and licensing software, including accepting a payment, updating customer records, generating an Activation Key, and sending an order confirmation email. The MyCommerce KeyGen is available in the following directory:




The MyCommerce KeyGen is implemented as an event Webhook that is compatible with the input/output fields and formats of the MyCommerce order processing system. When MyCommerce successfully processes an order (e.g. the credit card is approved), it will make a POST request using HTTP/HTTPS to the My Commerce KeyGen with the input values. Then, the MyCommerce KeyGen automatically performs the tasks to fulfill the received order, which include the following:


·         Identify the purchased product that matches the product ID received from MyCommerce. In the Activation Server, the EcommerceProdID1 field in the Products table is assigned to interface with MyCommerce.

·         Create an activation account (including Activation Key) for the purchased product in the Activation Server.

·         Update the ecommerce and customer information to the activation account such as seller, purchase ID, purchase date, name, company, email, address, etc.

·         Return the Activation Key to MyCommerce.

Finally, MyCommerce completes the order by passing the Activation Key with your customized messages and sends an order confirmation email to the customer.


In terms of security, the POST request to the MyCommerce KeyGen should be called over HTTPS. In addition, you can specify a username and password for authentication in your Activation Server Web.Config file. The POST request must include the username and password separated by a colon, followed by @, before the URL. For example, if your username and password are user/k62H23d, your POST URL will be as follows.


More information about interfacing with the MyCommerce order processing system can be found on the MyCommerce website. Or, you may see the link below that includes information about the Key Generator SDK, documentation, and sample code.


note NOTE: Since the MyCommerce KeyGen is implemented using the standard HTTP POST method, you can customize the provided source code to accept different input/output fields and formats to interface with other ecommerce providers as well.

See Also

·         Configuring Activation Server for MyCommerce KeyGen

·         Testing MyCommerce KeyGen